Kluczowe osoby

Charlotte Solvang Ølstørn

Trainor's headquarters in Norway

The reception is open on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00.

postbot prevention@trainor.no

Jørn in front of PC

Technical Support

If you are having technical issues you can visit our support page or contact us by phone or e-mail and we will be happy to help.

supportbot prevention@trainor.no

Dział sprzedaży

Rolf Kinck

Rolf Kinck

Sales Manager Norway

rolf.kinckbot prevention@trainor.no

Trond J Løfqvist in front of the lift door

Trond J. Løfqvist

Senior Key Account Manager

trond.lofqvistbot prevention@trainor.no

Jonas Skog Berg

Jonas Skog Berg

Key Account Manager

jonas.skog.bergbot prevention@trainor.no

Eli Anne Gulden 2024

Eli Anne Gulden

Key Account Manager

eli.anne.guldenbot prevention@trainor.no

Anita Riis 2024

Anita Riis

Key Account Manager

anita.riisbot prevention@trainor.no

Christine Larsen

Christine Larsen

Coordinator Course and Marketing

christine.larsenbot prevention@trainor.no


Stian Martinsen foran biblioteket TRA 02542 1920 Foto Heidi Storm Middleton

Stian Martinsen

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Stian head of the Trainor Group. His background is within software development, project management, sales and management.

stian.martinsenbot prevention@trainor.no

Morten Aasen 2022 TRA 02563 1920 Foto Heidi Storm Middleton

Morten Aasen

Chief Commercial Officer (CCO)

Morten is our Chief Commercial Officer, and runs the sales- and marketing department in Trainor.

morten.aasenbot prevention@trainor.no

Truls Vad Fjeldberg

Truls Vad Fjeldberg

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

truls.fjeldbergbot prevention@trainor.no

Kontrola i pomiary

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Benjamin Abrahamsen

Project Leader

Benjamin is a project leader in our Control and Measuring department. Benjamin is also an authorised electrical fire prevention controller.

benjamin.abrahamsenbot prevention@trainor.no


Eva Nordskog

Eva Nordskog

Head of Communications, HR and ESG

Eva is Head of Communications of the Trainor Group and thereby responsible for all internal and external communication, included strategical planning, branding, PR management and crisis communication. She is also head of HR and ESG.

eva.nordskogbot prevention@trainor.no