Potrzebujesz pomocy w wyborze najlepszego kursu dla Ciebie lub Twoich pracowników? Masz przemyślenia na temat naszych usług, którymi chciałbyś się z nami podzielić? Cieszymy się z Twoich wiadomości i jesteśmy wdzięczni za Twój wkład.
Wystarczy wypełnić poniższe pola, a my odpowiemy tak szybko, jak to możliwe.
The reception is open on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00.
postbot prevention@trainor.no
If you are having technical issues you can visit our support page or contact us by phone or e-mail and we will be happy to help.
supportbot prevention@trainor.no
trond.lofqvistbot prevention@trainor.no
christine.larsenbot prevention@trainor.no
Stian head of the Trainor Group. His background is within software development, project management, sales and management.
stian.martinsenbot prevention@trainor.no
Morten is our Chief Commercial Officer, and runs the sales- and marketing department in Trainor.
morten.aasenbot prevention@trainor.no
truls.fjeldbergbot prevention@trainor.no
Benjamin is a project leader in our Control and Measuring department. Benjamin is also an authorised electrical fire prevention controller.
benjamin.abrahamsenbot prevention@trainor.no
Eva is Head of Communications of the Trainor Group and thereby responsible for all internal and external communication, included strategical planning, branding, PR management and crisis communication. She is also head of HR and ESG.
eva.nordskogbot prevention@trainor.no