Statnetts Instructions for Switching Supervisor

Provides external personnel an introduction of Sira-Kvina HSE procedures, and enable every individual in relation to hazardous work and potentially dangerous situations.

Czas trwania
15 minutes


All Switching Supervisors at Statnett high-voltage installations must be familiar with Statnett's Instructions for Switching Supervisors in order to carry out work in accordance with Statnett's routines and instructions.

Grupa docelowa

Switching Supervisors at Statnett high-voltage installations, and all who plan to take on this function.

Kurs zawiera te tematy

The course contains a detailed study of Statnett's internal Instructions for Switching Supervisors. Using sound, text, and illustrations from Statnett's own installations, it provides participants with a thorough insight into the function of Switching Supervisor. Direct links from the course to the Statnett webpage ensure that you always have access to the latest version of the instructions. The course ends with a series of questions to test what you have learnt. When these have been correctly completed, you may print a course certificate.

Informacje techniczne

Wymagania systemowe

Kurs można uruchomić na komputerze, tablecie i smartfonie. W przypadku urządzeń przenośnych zalecamy stabilne połączenie Wi-Fi. Ten kurs nie wymaga Flasha.

Zalecana minimalna prędkość połączenia to 1,5 Mb / s. W przypadku problemów podczas prowadzenia kursu zalecamy skorzystanie z przeglądarki Google Chrome.

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