HSE – Work Environment, Responsibilities, and Consequences – Module 1 (Module 1.1 support)

Certified safety training Module 1 for operators of cranes, forklifts and earth moving machinery.

Czas trwania
3 hours

Certified safety training

The course fulfills the conditions for e-learning courses in the revised training plan Module 1 for certified safety training from the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority. [Read more] (https://www.arbeidstilsynet.no/contentassets/04b88b3b8f7b4b0f89b2730045046c5d/modul-1-felles-teorimodul-med-e-laring-mars-2020.pdf).

For questions regarding this course, please contact LSI.


The course will give you basic theoretical knowledge of HSE and regulations on the use of dangerous work equipment.

Grupa docelowa

  • Everyone who is to undergo certified safety training Module 1 for cranes, forklifts and earth moving machinery.
  • Health and safety representatives, managers and personnel who want to deepen their knowledge in HSE and regulations.
  • People who need repetition and updating of Module 1 when extending their certificate of competence.

Kurs zawiera te tematy

The course includes in-depth study of these subjects:

  • Use of work equipment
  • Work areas and personnel requirements
  • Risk assessment
  • HSE, accidents, and responsibilities
  • Immediate and underlying causes of accidents
  • Relevant laws and regulations
  • Passenger transport
  • External environment
  • Dangerous goods
  • Practice exercises
  • Knowledge test for passing the e-learning course

Informacje techniczne

Wymagania systemowe

Kurs można uruchomić na komputerze, tablecie i smartfonie. W przypadku urządzeń przenośnych zalecamy stabilne połączenie Wi-Fi. Ten kurs nie wymaga Flasha.

Zalecana minimalna prędkość połączenia to 1,5 Mb / s. W przypadku problemów podczas prowadzenia kursu zalecamy skorzystanie z przeglądarki Google Chrome.

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