Glitre Nett – DI for linjeryddere nettområde øst (Buskerud/Hadeland)

Driftleders instrukser for linjeryddere. Utviklet for Glitre Nett.

Czas trwania
45 minutes


Instructions for High-Voltage Operations Managers is a collection of functional and work instructions designed to enable those working with high-voltage installations to avoid injuries and accidents resulting from electric shock and arc-flash incidents. On completing this course, participants will have developed a reflected attitude to the dangers associated with working on or in the vicinity of high-voltage installations.

Grupa docelowa

All who carry out work in Glitre Nett high-voltage installations. Instructions for Operations Managers apply to all high-voltage installations for which Glitre Nett has responsibility, both regional grids and distribution networks.

Kurs zawiera te tematy

  • Information given by the Operations Manager
  • Requirements applying to Safety Coordinators
  • Requirements applying to Safety Permit holders
  • Risk assessment and Safe Job Analysis
  • Instructions for specific work tasks
  • General information on Glitre Nett’s “Instructions for High-Voltage Operations Managers”

Informacje techniczne

Wymagania systemowe

Kurs można uruchomić na komputerze, tablecie i smartfonie. W przypadku urządzeń przenośnych zalecamy stabilne połączenie Wi-Fi. Ten kurs nie wymaga Flasha.

Zalecana minimalna prędkość połączenia to 1,5 Mb / s. W przypadku problemów podczas prowadzenia kursu zalecamy skorzystanie z przeglądarki Google Chrome.

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