Electric arc hazards - an introduction

Do you know how to prevent arcs, or how to limit the damage if the accident strikes?

Czas trwania
45 minutes


This course teaches you about how electric arcs develop and behave. We learn about how to go about reducing the incident energy in an electric arc. The course covers risk prevention and reduction through factors such as establishing barriers, disconnecting equipment, installing protective devices, different types of protective device, and disconnecting equipment that contributes to electric arc short-circuit currents.

Grupa docelowa

Personnel who may be exposed to electric arcs during their work, and personnel who design and operate electrical installations.

Kurs zawiera te tematy

  • Potential dangers from electric arcs
  • Injuries resulting from electric arcs
  • Incident energy and contributing factors
  • Barriers such as switchboard panels and personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Short-circuit currents in arc flashes
  • Protective devices and arc flash detectors
  • How to limit incident energy and arc flash duration

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Kurs można uruchomić na komputerze, tablecie i smartfonie. W przypadku urządzeń przenośnych zalecamy stabilne połączenie Wi-Fi. Ten kurs nie wymaga Flasha.

Zalecana minimalna prędkość połączenia to 1,5 Mb / s. W przypadku problemów podczas prowadzenia kursu zalecamy skorzystanie z przeglądarki Google Chrome.

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