Activities near power lines and underground cables

How to work safely near electrical installations. Learn to make the right decisions and evaluate risk correctly. Course for construction workers, farmers, forestry workers, etc.

Czas trwania
1,5 hours

Note! The Polish version of the course is with Polish subtitles on English video files.


Participants will acquire necessary knowledge and skills to enable them to work safely in the proximity of power lines and underground cables, reducing the possibility of accidents, injuries and loss of life and avoiding damage to equipment and the power grid.

Grupa docelowa

Professionals working/planning to work near power lines, other electrical installations, or those planning such operations and professionals who need to excavate, mount objects in the ground or lay pipes etc.

Kurs zawiera te tematy

Electrical installations

  • Where are the hazards?
  • Power lines
  • High-voltage installations

Electrical hazards

  • Forces in action in the high-voltage grid
  • When machinery and trees touch power lines

Safety at the workplace

  • The grid company operations centre
  • Working closer than 30 metres from an electrical installation
  • Safety distance
  • Safety Supervisor – responsibility and authority
  • Safety Observer
  • Re-energising power lines

When disaster has struck

  • Reporting an incident or accident
  • Fallen power lines

Charting cables

  • Excavation permits
  • Excavation near cable routes
  • Unearthing cables
  • Warning ribbons and cover plates

Handling cables

  • Different types of cable
  • Earthing
  • Damaged cables
  • Mounting cables

Informacje techniczne

Wymagania systemowe

Kurs można uruchomić na komputerze, tablecie i smartfonie. W przypadku urządzeń przenośnych zalecamy stabilne połączenie Wi-Fi. Ten kurs nie wymaga Flasha.

Zalecana minimalna prędkość połączenia to 1,5 Mb / s. W przypadku problemów podczas prowadzenia kursu zalecamy skorzystanie z przeglądarki Google Chrome.

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