Fiscal metering - Regulations

‘Regulation on fiscal measurement in the petroleum industry (measurement regulations)

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The course Regulations on fiscal measurement in the petroleum industry (measurement regulations) gives course participants knowledge of the content of the regulations.

Grupa docelowa

Personnel with administrative tasks (e.g. those in charge) and performing personnel who will operate, maintain and calibrate fiscal measuring stations.

Kurs zawiera te przedmioty

Regulation on fiscal measurement in the petroleum industry (measurement regulation). The regulation has 15 chapters. The course emphasizes chapters that contain general rules and regulations for operation and maintenance requirements:

  • Chapter 1. Preliminary provisions
  • Chapter 2. Management system requirements
  • Chapter 4: General requirements for measurement
  • Chapter 7. General requirements for measurement systems
  • Chapter 8: Special requirements for oil measurement
  • Chapter 9: Special requirements for gas measurement
  • Chapter 13: Requirements for operation and maintenance of measurement systems
  • Chapter 15: General decisions

The other chapters are covered more superficially.

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